Module 11
How Accurate Language About Sexual Assault Supports Victims in the Criminal Justice System

Educate the Media When They Misuse the Language of Consensual Sex to Describe Sexual Violence

As we have seen in the examples quoted from various newspapers, the media frequently misuse the language of consensual sex to describe sexual violence and utilize victim-blaming language in describing sexual assault cases. Victim advocates and their agencies have an important role to play in educating the media about the importance of using accurate language to describe sexual violence.

An example of a state coalition taking action comes from Maine, where the state coalition worked closely with the Bangor Daily News to educate their reporters about sexual assault and domestic violence and how to report on them more accurately and effectively. The paper also published an op-ed about sexual assault every day during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Cara Courchesne, Communications Director of MECASA, the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault, described the process of working with the news media in the following document.

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