Module 12
Campus Sexual Assault: Institutional Reporting and Disciplinary Processes

Title IX and the Criminal Justice System

The Title IX processes on campus and the criminal justice system have different purposes and are entirely different systems to navigate. Student victims of sexual assault face the same hesitations about interacting with the criminal justice system as non-student victims. Some will choose not to navigate the criminal justice system but to pursue the Title IX process at their school so they can safely enjoy their educational opportunities. Others will choose to navigate both. These victims are then navigating two very different processes that can at times, each in their own way, provide a wholly inadequate or uninformed response.

In most instances there will be no communication between those involved in the campus Title IX process and those involved in the criminal justice system process. Advocates can be that important bridge of communication between the two processes and be a consistent support system for victims navigating both systems simultaneously.

It is important to understand that schools have an obligation to comply with Title IX and respond to sexual assault whether victims participate in the criminal justice system or not, and schools may not delay the campus Title IX process during the pendency of the criminal justice process.



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