Module 5
Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations: What Are They, and What Can They Tell the Courts?

Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Kits

The “kits” used to collect forensic sexual assault evidence are known by various names such as sexual offense evidence collection kits (New York State) and sexual assault evidence kits (New Mexico). Colloquially they are referred to as “rape kits.” The kit is a cardboard box or large envelope containing the equipment and containers needed to collect and store the biologic and nonbiologic evidence from the patient’s body and clothing. Kits are periodically updated to allow for new evidence collection techniques.

A typical kit includes:

  • Precise instructions for evidence collection and storage;
  • a large paper bag in which to collect the victim’s clothing;
  • bags, envelopes, and sheets of paper for preserving the evidence collected;
  • Swabs for collecting biological material that may contain DNA such as fluids found on lips, cheeks, thighs, vagina, penis, anus, breasts, and buttocks;
  • Combs and envelopes for collecting and storing hair and fibers;
  • Blood collection devices;
  • Documentation forms; and
  • Labels.

Evidence collection is a painstaking process that can take hours. Given the invasive nature of this process and the closeness in time to the sexual assault, it is important to ensure that any breaks victims need for their emotional well-being are taken.

This module will be available to you as soon as you complete Module 1. To complete a module, you must read each of the lessons and complete the review quiz at the end.

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