Module 7
How Advocates Can Support Sexual Assault Victims During Every Stage of the Criminal Justice System Process

Preparation for Trial/Testimony

For victims who must testify, the process of preparing for testimony and the anticipation of the impending testimony is anxiety-provoking. Advocates can play an important role in helping victims manage this anxiety and their fears and expectations for testifying in court.  

It is not the role of a victim advocate to prepare a victim to testify and advocates should not attempt to do so. That is exclusively the role of the prosecutor who will prepare the victim to testify within the bounds of the rules of evidence and in a manner that ensures the preparation does not influence the victim’s independent memory of the events. Victims may want advocates to accompany them to testimony preparation sessions with the prosecutor. When doing so, advocates can:

  • Encourage breaks when needed
  • Help victims make a list of their questions for the prosecutor before the session
  • Provide emotional support during and after the preparation session
  • Take note of next steps discussed in order to remind victims of directions, appointments, and appearances.

Advocates who accompany victims to testimony preparation sessions with the prosecutor should not attempt to provide any answer on behalf of victims nor provide clarification of any of the information provided by victims.    

A lot of anxiety comes from what is unknown or unfamiliar about the court process. Some ways advocates can dispel some of the victim’s anxiety ahead of their appearance in court are:

  • Arranging for the victim to view the courtroom prior to the proceeding to become familiar with its layout and the physical space of the witness stand
  • Helping the victim select their attire for their appearance in court
  • Ensuring the victim has prearranged transportation to and from the courthouse
  • Helping the victim make arrangements with their employer and/or childcare provider for the days they will be expected in court

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