Module 8
Issue Spotting: When Might a Sexual Assault Victim Need Private Counsel to Navigate the Criminal Justice System?

An Example of Holistic Legal Representation for Victims

Recognizing the full scope of legal needs that crime victims face, there are some holistic legal services available.  An example is a Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime funded project to develop Victim Legal Assistance Networks that provide “wraparound” legal services to address all of victims legal needs in one place by qualified attorneys. Key to getting these networks going is training for the lawyers who will provide representation within the network.  Read more about these OVC-funded networks, and the legal training provided by The National Crime Victim Law Institute. 

Advocates should explore whether holistic legal services exist in their community and build relationships with these organizations. Where these services do not yet exist, advocates should explore with community partners whether a similar network can be established in their community. 


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