Module 5
Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations: What Are They, and What Can They Tell the Courts?

Laboratory Analysis of Evidence Collected

Evidence that is collected during a medical forensic sexual assault examination which is released to law enforcement will be analyzed by a laboratory.  This analysis will determine whether DNA is present on the items submitted and whether a DNA profile, unique to an individual, can be obtained from the analysis.  DNA profiles which may belong to the perpetrator may be eligible for uploading into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) which is a national database which law enforcement utilizes to match DNA profiles associated with crimes/crime scenes. 

During the evidence collection portion of the examination, a DNA sample, or buccal swab, will be taken from the victim so that the laboratory can determine whether any of the DNA profile(s) obtained during the analysis is that of the victim.  This is to ensure that the victim’s DNA profile is not uploaded into CODIS.  Additionally, if the victim had consensual sex close in time to the sexual assault, law enforcement may request a buccal swab from the victim’s consensual partner.  This is also to ensure that a non-perpetrator consensual partner’s DNA profile is not uploaded into CODIS. 

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