Module 12
Campus Sexual Assault: Institutional Reporting and Disciplinary Processes

Advocating for Sexual Assault Victims Navigating Both the Criminal Justice System and Their Schools’ Title IX Process

  • In addition to building rapport and relationships with local criminal justice professionals, advocates should explore opportunities to build rapport and relationships with administrators and Title IX professionals at campuses in their area. Agencies should explore opportunities to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding or other agreement with schools or to be included on any lists that schools maintain to advise students of area victim services.
  • Help victims keep track of timelines and processes happening in each process so victims do not miss any opportunities to be meaningfully involved. Advocates can incorporate upcoming events in the campus process in their internal case tracking systems that track victims’ pending criminal cases.
  • Victims navigating a campus Title IX process can have an advisor/advocate throughout the process. If victims wish, advocates can fill this role which will help advocates bridge communication between the two simultaneous systems.
  • Help victims manage their expectations for the campus process and understand the differences between the purpose and scope of the campus and criminal justice processes.
  • Help victims keep law enforcement and/or case prosecutors informed of the status of the campus proceeding and facilitate discussion between the victim and criminal justice professionals about the potential impact of campus processes on the criminal case.
  • Explore with victims whether they are fully able to continue on their educational trajectory and, if not, which accommodations would make that possible. Help victims communicate their request for accommodations to the school’s Title IX Coordinator.

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