Module 6
Considerations for Advocacy on Behalf of Victims from Vulnerable Populations

Immigrant Victims’ Concerns About Navigating the Criminal Justice System

A 2017 national survey of advocates and attorneys revealed that 78% of service providers have heard from immigrant victim-clients that they are concerned about contacting law enforcement. Three out of four advocates reported that immigrant survivor-clients have concerns about going to court for a matter related to their abuser and 43% of advocates reported that they worked with immigrant victims who dropped their civil or criminal cases because they were afraid to continue with the process.1

Victim advocates informed of local policies can respond to these concerns expressed by their clients.

Disclaimers and Footnotes

1. National Network to End Domestic Violence, ASISTA Immigration Assistance, Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, National Alliance to End Sexual Assault, Tahirih Justice Center, and National Domestic Violence Hotline, “Key Findings: 2017 Advocate and Legal Service Survey Regarding Immigrant Survivors,” available at

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